Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thoughts of an Aspiring Engineer

Engineering was never considered as an easy profession, in fact a lot of people would probably put you on a pedestal when you tell them that you study (or studied) Engineering. It’s not really surprising since a lot of people are intimidated with the sheer amount of numbers that we encounter every day. Come to think about it, if I saw my 6th grade Math teacher (bless her. I’ve always been her favorite student. Note the sarcasm) and told her that I’m taking up Engineering right now she would have laughed herself to Heaven. I’m not exactly a genius when it comes to Math. Apparently, when God decided to shower us mortals with the gift of numbers I was too busy trying to beat the final boss in Final Fantasy to even care. I should’ve known better than to play during work, but hey, here I am on my 4th year and thankfully I haven’t failed in any of my courses and my CGPA is still decent enough to earn my some honors on graduation… for now. (I almost failed to mention that business class is dragging my grades down. Seriously, give me differential equations and I’ll solve it with a smile, just not balance sheets and income statements)

Well, hopefully you’ll be seeing me here quite often. I actually need some help in coming up with a title for this blog. I want it to be about… well… anything. Share your experiences when you were still studying!

-yan yan- 

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