Friday, March 15, 2013

Getting started with Gizduino


DO NOT connect your Gizduino yet! 

Before you can start with programming the Gizduino, you need to download the Arduino IDE. You can download the software from the official Arduino website, Download the latest version for your operating system.


When you connect the Gizduino to your computer, Windows will automatically initiate the insatllation. An installation wizard will appear, just follow the procedure for installation. Be sure ti select the Drivers\FTDI USB folder as the location for installation.
In the Drivers folder in the Arduino folder, open the FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_9_Intel.dmg file to mount it. Then run the FTDIUSBSerialDriver.pkg file.
Connect your Gizduino to your computer.
First, you will have to know what COM port is assigned to the Gizduino. To do so, you will have to open the Device Manager by going to the start menu, right clicking on My Computer, then choose Properties, then choose the Hardware tab, then open the Device Manager.
Look for the Gizduino device in the list under “Ports (COM & LPT)”. The Gizduino will appear as a USB Serial Port and will have a name like COM13 as shown below.
Now that you have identified the COM port assignment of the Gizduino, you can now adjust the port settings in the Arduino IDE.
Open the Arduino IDE > ools > Serial Port > COM port assigned to Gizduino
Windows Port Select
From the tools menu in the Arduino IDE, select “Serial Port” and select the port that begins with /dev/cu.usbserial-, this is the name that your computer uses to refer to the Gizduino board.
Mac Serial Port
The Gizduino an Arduino Diecimila w/ ATmega168 Tools > Board > Arduino Diecimila w/ ATmega168.
Chip Selection

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